From: Nikolai Grigoriev (
Date: Mon Aug 04 2003 - 08:07:33 PDT
Dear XEP-announce subscribers,
This is to inform you that XEP 3.5.3 is released. It is a maintenance
release in 3.5 branch, fixing a number of pending problems,
and introducing minor improvements:
- URL escaping for file URLs revisited, and reduced to a necessary
minimum for the sake of interoperability with older versions of
Java and servlet engines;
- Image caching improved: virtual servers are taken in consideration
when comparing URLs;
- Footnote placement algorithm rewritten: long footnotes are handled
better, keep/orphan/widow restrictions on footnotes are honored
- Improved placement of dot-filled and pattern-filled leaders:
constraints permitting, the length is adjusted to the nearest
multiple of pattern width;
- Number of calls to EventLogger.logger() is significantly reduced
to achieve better performance in multi-CPU installations.
Best regards,
Nikolai Grigoriev
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