[xep-announce] XEP 3.7.6 is available

From: Nikolai Grigoriev (grig@renderx.com)
Date: Mon Apr 05 2004 - 14:16:46 PDT

  • Next message: Nikolai Grigoriev: "[xep-announce] XEP 3.7.7 is available"

    Dear XEP-announce subscribers,

    XEP 3.7.6 is available for download. This is a maintenance
    release that fixes defects discovered since XEP 3.7.5,
    and adds improvements to increase code robustness.
    As usual, users of previous XEP 3.x versions can obtain
    the fresh package from http://shop.xattic.com/extras.cgi.

    Best regards,
    Nikolai Grigoriev

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