Re: [xep-support] FO Extension Requirement: Generation of "Side Files"

From: David Tolpin (
Date: Sun Oct 27 2002 - 19:53:09 PST

> I have just posted to the XSL-FO list on Yahoo Groups a statement of
> requirement for the ability to generate "side files" that includes page
> numbers. I don't know if all the FO vendors monitor that list, so I
> thought I would point y'all to it.
> The subject line is "Implementing Automatic Cross References with Page
> Numbers"


This ability is available with XEP for almost a year. com.renderx.xep.gen.backends.H4XML
(or com.renderx.FO2PDF.T.H4XML for version 2) is a backend that produces low-level
drawing commands (directly mappable to a page description format) in XML.

For each outline entry, it produces a corresponding 'internal-bookmark' element. Here is an
excerpt from a sample output (xslt specification formatted with XEP 3.03):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xep:document creator="XEP 3.0" author="James Clark" title="XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0" xmlns:xep=""><xep:internal-bookmark label="Colophon" id="3" parent-id="0" destination="1" destination-x="64800" destination-y="728280"></xep:internal-bookmark>
<xep:internal-bookmark label="Abstract" id="4" parent-id="3" destination="2" destination-x="38880" destination-y="727830"></xep:internal-bookmark>
<xep:internal-bookmark label="Status of this document" id="5" parent-id="3" destination="2" destination-x="38880" destination-y="582031"></xep:internal-bookmark>
<xep:internal-bookmark label="Table of Contents" id="6" parent-id="0" destination="3" destination-x="64800" destination-y="727830"></xep:internal-bookmark>
<xep:internal-bookmark label="1. Introduction" id="7" parent-id="0" destination="7" destination-x="64800" destination-y="727830"></xep:internal-bookmark>
<xep:internal-bookmark label="2. Stylesheet Structure" id="8" parent-id="0" destination="8" destination-x="38880" destination-y="482928"></xep:internal-bookmark>
<xep:internal-bookmark label="2.1. XSLT Namespace" id="9" parent-id="8" destination="8" destination-x="38880" destination-y="441888"></xep:internal-bookmark>
<xep:internal-bookmark label="2.2. Stylesheet Element" id="10" parent-id="8" destination="9" destination-x="64800" destination-y="637110"></xep:internal-bookmark>
<xep:internal-bookmark label="2.3. Literal Result Element as Stylesheet" id="11" parent-id="8" destination="11" destination-x="64800" destination-y="510422"></xep:internal-bookmark>
<xep:internal-bookmark label="2.4. Qualified Names" id="12" parent-id="8" destination="12" destination-x="38880" destination-y="408612"></xep:internal-bookmark>


The 'destination' is a page number. As I understand the issue, that's exactly
what is required to generate cross-document links.

David Tolpin
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