[xep-support] Query on the functionality of XEP 2.78 or higher

From: Jialu Zhang (jzhang8@math.umbc.edu)
Date: Wed Nov 06 2002 - 08:04:01 PST

Dear whom it may concern:

I am a graduate student and am thinking of using XEP to facilitate my
research work. Before making decisions, I have following questions in
regard to the functionality of the XEP product version 2.78 or higher. I
would appreciate it if anyone on this mailing list would help some or let
me know where this info would be.

0) Where could I find a feature list of XEP products of various
verions before purchasing it?

1) Does XEP 2.78 or higher fully render chart, figure, tables, and
cross-references, etc. as according to the latest XSL spec, some of which
current version of Apache FOP does not support yet?

2) I know that there is another standard, i.e., MathML, which may focus on
complicated math-oriented equation rendering, but I wonder if XEP product
would integrate with the rendered results from MathML rendering tool, if
any, if XEP product would not handle math related features, such as
equations? Or may XEP product support rendering equations directly?

3) Would it be easy to extend certain features of this product if any
XSL-FO function in the current version of the product was not
fully implemented?

Thank you very much for your attention.


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