[xep-support] Ant <xslfo/> task?

From: Kenneth J. Hughes (kjh@entel.com)
Date: Wed Jan 08 2003 - 10:43:00 PST

  • Next message: David Tolpin: "Re: [xep-support] Ant <xslfo/> task?"

    Hi, is anyone using Ant to build projects involving xep? Clearly xep
    can be launched via the <java/> task, but it'd be nice to have a
    dedicated <xslfo/> task that could support filesets and swappable
    XSL:FO processors. There is supposedly a <fop/> task in Ant 1.4, but
    there're questions regarding whether it works in the current version
    of Ant (1.5).

    I'm considering looking into doing a general <xslfo/> task. It could
    support fop and make it simple to move into xep whenever real work had
    to get done. ;-) Someone talk me out of it by pointing out that
    something exists already that's good enough, or by telling me to stay
    focused on my main project itself. :-)


    Kenneth J. Hughes (330) 310-1057 kjh@entel.com
    Entelechy Corporation http://www.entel.com/

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