From: rondeelvantrigt (
Date: Thu Feb 20 2003 - 15:26:37 PST
With previous versions of XEP (2.78) I used the following code to centre tables horizontally
across a page:
<xsl:attribute name="start-indent">(323 - <xsl:value-of select="$totalcolwidth"/>)div 2</xsl:attribute>
I pick up the columns values of each column within <colspec>, take the total colwidth and
divide it by 2 and use the code to offset it from the left so that it centers across the page.
However, with the 3.2 version, I get the following warning: "{?Bad attribute start-indent: Attribute type mismatch: start-indent cannot have value '161.5' of type Real number}"
What has changed between the XEP versions? or rather: what can I do to get the divide functionality
to center tables horizontally?
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