[xep-support] External-graphic in a table crashes XEP

From: Kevin Yank (kevin@sitepoint.com)
Date: Mon Mar 03 2003 - 20:50:46 PST

  • Next message: Kevin Yank: "[xep-support] RE: External-graphic in a table crashes XEP"

    An FO document I am trying to render with the latest version of XEP causes
    the renderer to exit with the following message:

    {!String index out of range: -1}

    I have narrowed the problem down to the following simplified example:

              <external-graphic src="url(image.png)" width="auto" height="auto"
    content-width="auto" content-height="auto" />

    In general, any time I put an external-graphic into a table, the renderer
    exits as described above.

    Am I doing something wrong? Is this a known problem?

    I can provide a sample FO file if necessary.


    Kevin Yank
    Technical Business Director
    SitePoint.com - Master the Web!

    e: kevin@sitepoint.com
    w: www.sitepoint.com
    p: +61 3 9495 6622

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