[xep-support] Glyph list problem

From: Werner Donné (werner.donne@re.be)
Date: Thu Mar 06 2003 - 08:13:17 PST

  • Next message: Chris Branch: "[xep-support] relative-align"


    I think there is a contradiction in the purpose of the Adobe Glyph List, as
    described by Adobe and the way it is used in XEP. The Adobe document proposes
    a mechanism to map glyph names to Unicode code points, while XEP uses it to
    map Unicode code points to glyph names. This is why using AGL 2.0 is going to
    be a problem. The contradiction is also visible through the fact that more
    than one Unicode code point may be mapped to the same glyph name in XEP.

    The latter is, however, an interesting feature since it allows to implement
    the character equivalence rules of Unicode. I only fail to see why the third
    and following values are ignored. Acute accent, Greek tonos and prime, for
    example, could all be assigned to the same glyph name.

    I have encountered a problem when assigning two Unicode code points to the
    same glyph name. My glyph list assigns the Greek question mark (U+037E) to
    "semicolon", which is also in the AGL. Because of that, XEP no longer finds
    a glyph for U+003B. If I add an assignment for the latter to my glyph list
    it works. I think the multiple assignment should work over the internal and
    external glyph lists together.



    Werner Donné  --  Re BVBA
    Engelbeekstraat 8
    B-3300 Tienen
    tel: (+32) 486 425803	e-mail: werner.donne@re.be
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