RE: [xep-support] still struggling image span

From: Damian Small (
Date: Sun Mar 09 2003 - 17:13:13 PST

  • Next message: Ronald Hayden: "Re: [xep-support] Status output going to STDERR?"

    Hi David thanks for your reply.
    Ive created a code sample as small as possible. There are two files one a
    sample XML, two the XSL Im trying to create. The template match on image
    with a block that spans both columns. I understand I cant do this but it may
    give some idea of what Im trying to achieve.

    The XML

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                    <text>The rain in Spain falls mainly within the columns of
    text. The rain in Spain falls mainly within the columns of text. The rain in
    Spain falls mainly within the colums of text.</text>
                    <image size="small" ref="n7123"/>
                    <text>The rain in Spain falls mainly within the columns of
    text. The rain in Spain falls mainly within the columns of text. The rain in
    Spain falls mainly within the colums of text.</text>
                    <text>The rain in Spain falls mainly within the columns of
    text. The rain in Spain falls mainly within the columns of text. The rain in
    Spain falls mainly within the colums of text.</text>
                    <text>The rain in Spain falls mainly within the columns of
    text. The rain in Spain falls mainly within the columns of text. The rain in
    Spain falls mainly within the colums of text.</text>
                    <text>The rain in Spain falls mainly within the columns of
    text. The rain in Spain falls mainly within the columns of text. The rain in
    Spain falls mainly within the colums of text.</text>
                    <image size="large" ref="n7124"/>
                    <text>The rain in Spain falls mainly within the columns of
    text. The rain in Spain falls mainly within the columns of text. The rain in
    Spain falls mainly within the colums of text.</text>
                  <image size="med" ref="n7123"/>

    The XSL

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>

    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""

    <xsl:output method="xml"

    <xsl:template match="root">
           <fo:simple-page-master master-name="TwoCols">
             <fo:region-body column-count="2" column-gap="5mm" margin="30mm"/>
                   <fo:page-sequence-master master-name="Repeat">
                      <fo:page-sequence master-reference="Repeat">
                    <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
                  <fo:block font-size="16pt" text-align="start">

    <!-- Determine if image size is 'large' span both columns -->
    <xsl:template match="image">
        <xsl:when test="@size='large'">
                 <fo:block span="all">
                     <fo:external-graphic src="url(images/{@ref}.tif)"/>
                    <fo:external-graphic src="url(images/{@ref}.tif)"/>


    -----Original Message-----
    [] On Behalf Of David Tolpin
    Sent: Saturday, 8 March 2003 6:00 PM
    Subject: Re: [xep-support] still struggling image span

    > Im trying to span an image across a two-column page. I understand how to =
    > use the span attribute however if I do a match on the image size attribute
    > in my XML file, the span attribute is ignored outside the flow. This is a
    > show stopper and Im trying to find a work around.


    English is not the native language of many participants of this discussion
    list. Would you please provide a short XSL FO snippet of what you are trying
    to feed to XEP and a description of the desired result.

    Please keep the posting small though, just the required flow objects.

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