Re: [xep-support] Support for Arabic Glyph Shaping?

From: W. Eliot Kimber (
Date: Tue Mar 18 2003 - 05:27:17 PST

  • Next message: David Tolpin: "Re: [xep-support] Support for Arabic Glyph Shaping?"

    David Tolpin wrote:
    >>Has XEP added support for Arabic glyph shaping, and if not, is it likely
    >>to by the time of XML Europe?
    > Even earlier.

    Cool. What about Thai glyph composition?

    If XEP can do Arabic glyph shaping and Thai glyph composition it will be
    very close to matching XSL Formatter for internationalization support.
    These two features are one of the key reasons that my multinational
    customers cannot consider XEP as a solution right now.

    The only other real showstopper for us is lack of full-page footnotes
    for multi-column pages (I have a client that uses footnotes within
    multi-column pages and the footnotes must be page wide).

    Also, XEP's interpretation of the implications of writing mode on
    region-body is not consistent with XSL Formatters and is probably not
    consistent with the intent of the FO spec (but the jury's still
    out--I've submitted a query for clarification to the editors list but
    the WG has yet to take up the issue). This means that in certain layouts
    it may not be possible to have interoperable FO instances between XSL
    Formatter and XEP. This difference is compounded by a limition in XSL
    Formatter, which is that it cannot handle multi-page block-containers,
    so you can't use block-container as the child of a flow in order to set
    the writing mode for the entire flow, something I think you can do with
    XEP (but I haven't tested it).



    W. Eliot Kimber,
    Consultant, ISOGEN International
    1016 La Posada Dr., Suite 240
    Austin, TX  78752 Phone: 512.656.4139
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