[xep-support] Pdflib internal error.

From: MAISONNY Benoit (Benoit.MAISONNY@eurocontrol.int)
Date: Wed Mar 26 2003 - 08:56:26 PST

  • Next message: David Tolpin: "Re: [xep-support] Pdflib internal error."


    I have the following error message when converting XEP's area tree format to PDF:

    error: Pdflib internal error. Broken xref. Please report to manufacturer!.

    The resulting PDF is seen as damaged by Acrobat reader and cannot be read.
    If I convert straight from FO to PDF, no error is reported and the PDF looks good.

    This happens with certain AT files, not all of them. Please tell me if you would like to see the offending files and where I should send them.

    For FO to AT to PDF, I use the following commands:
    java -cp ... -D... com.renderx.xep.XSLDriver -fo [fo file] -at [at file]
    java -cp ... -D... com.renderx.xep.Printer [at file]

    To be clear, I am not (yet) messing around with the AT files, but my objective is to replace some xep:page elements by others from other files.

    XEP version is 3.3 server.

    Thanks for any help,

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