From: Nikolai Grigoriev (
Date: Wed Apr 02 2003 - 12:18:05 PST
Hi Jerry,
> Are you implying then that this is a bug in StyleVision?
It's a difficult issue :-). By the very design of XSL, nothing
precludes specifying unused inheritable properties anywhere
in the object tree; so I have no right to claim that this is
incorrect XSL. However, it is hard to believe that a no-op
attribute is deliberately added to the stylesheet only to make
it bigger :-). Whatever the intended meaning of fo:region/@font-size
is, it cannot be achieved this way - and therefore it is probably
a bug. That's why we are issuing a validation error.
There are other questionable points in StyleVision 5.3:
- it puts margin-* attributes on side regions (fo:region-before/after),
which is not permitted by the spec (this one is definitely a bug);
- order of regions does not follow the content model
gven in the Recommendation (this is more an inconsistency
than a bug: we issue a warning).
> Ignoring the
> validity problems doesn't solve my issue since it will not give me my
> results in the PDF preview.
It's a configuration problem. Looks like StyleVision expects formatter
output to be like FOP, and treats any other diagnostics as errors. If you
turn off all output from XEP, it works. For instance, I have XEP
installed in C:\XEP under Win2000 and the following string
in Tools->XSL-FO Options->FO Processor in Stylesheet Designer:
C:\XEP\xep.bat -DVALIDATE=false -quiet
PDF preview works for me.
> I don't have this problem using the Apache FOP Processor.
It means that StyleVision is probably tuned for FOP :-).
Best regards,
Nikolai Grigoriev
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