From: Nikolai Grigoriev (
Date: Wed May 21 2003 - 07:49:45 PDT
> In order to have a generic xslt, I would like to fill in
> the attribute" value" in the following fileds by the
> content of the some elements/attributs of my xml file
> <rx:meta-info>
> <rx:meta-field name="author" value="...."/>
> <rx:meta-field name="title" value="..."/>
> <rx:meta-field name="subject" value="...."/>
> <rx:meta-field name="keywords" value="...."/>
> </rx:meta-info>
> Is there a way to do that or does the attribute "value"
> have always a fixed content?
I am not sure I fully understand your question. Are you asking
about the way to stuff an attribute with user data inside your
XSLT stylesheet? Then there are several methods to achieve
that: use either attribute-value templates:
<rx:meta-field name="author" value="{/article/articleinfo/@author}"/>
or a full <xsl:attribute> element:
<rx:meta-field name="author">
<xsl:attribute name="value">
<xsl:apply-templates select="book/bookinfo/authorgroup/author[1]"/>
Anyhow, this has nothing to do with XSL-FO in general and XEP
in particular. You can find a more qualified advice in XSLT-oriented
forums like XSL-list at MulberryTech:
Best regards,
Nikolai Grigoriev
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