Re: [xep-support] margin text, no. 2

From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Tue May 27 2003 - 03:26:06 PDT

  • Next message: Matthias Born: "[xep-support] make ant-task quiet"

    Hello Martin,

    I still think that solution proposed is viable. Please find attached simple
    example that demonstrates use of marginalia. Hope this helps.

    Best regards,
    Alexander Peshkov

    MG> I'm interested in side-floats (text or graphics) in the context of
    MG> double-sided printing. Using Renderx's extension <fo:float
    float="outside">> this appears to be possible.

    MG> To exactly define the problem let me try to describe the desired result:

    MG> The margin notes shall appear separated from the body text either left
    MG> or right depending on even or odd page numbers. For clarification:
    MG> Ideally these margins should be located in the "fo-region-end" or
    MG> "fo-region-start" area respectively, synchronized with the body text.
    MG> The floats shall not be "embedded" or surrounded by the body text. For a
    MG> "right" page it should look like a two column table where the left (big)
    MG> column contains the "real" body text and the right column contains the
    MG> margin notes, vice-versa for "left" pages.

    MG> To achieve this result I generated "dummy" floats trying to mimic a
    MG> two-column table layout switching its colums with respect to even/odd
    MG> page numbers:

    MG> <!-- a "real" float -->
    MG> <fo:block intrusion-displace="block" width="150mm">
    MG> <fo:float float="outside">
    MG> <fo:block font-size="8pt" width="20mm">This is a margin</fo:block>
    MG> </fo:float>
    MG> This is the main text (the body) which shall be explained by a margin.
    MG> </fo:block>

    MG> <!-- an empty "dummy" float -->
    MG> <fo:block intrusion-displace="block" width="150mm">
    MG> <fo:float float="outside">
    MG> <fo:block font-size="8pt" width="20mm"/>
    MG> </fo:block>
    MG> This is the main text (the body) which shall be explained by a margin.
    MG> </fo:block>

    MG> The need for these dummies arises from the fact that blocks in the
    MG> document without margin notices shall end (or start respectiveley) at
    MG> the same position as blocks with margin notices, i.e. the text of the
    MG> "real" document body shall always start and end at the same position
    MG> regardless of margin notes.

    MG> The main problem (among others) is: If a page break occurs within a body
    MG> text object then the portion of text carried over to the next page
    MG> starts and ends like on the page before instead of changing its
    MG> behaviour due to even/odd page numbering.

    MG> This "solution" looks cumbersome and is practically useless, so I'm open
    MG> for any hint to a different strategy.

    MG> Regards, Martin

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