[xep-support] XML output format and images

From: MAISONNY Benoit (Benoit.MAISONNY@eurocontrol.int)
Date: Wed Jun 04 2003 - 06:41:32 PDT

  • Next message: Nikolai Grigoriev: "Re: [xep-support] XML output format and images"


    It seems there is a problem with the new image-embedding functionality in area tree format: it works when setting the configuration parameter on the command line:

            java -Dcom.renderx.xep.H4XEP.EMBED_IMAGES=true com.renderx...

    but not with the processing instruction:

            <?xep-out-embed-images true?>

    Here is how I use it (with xep 3.4.2):

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <?xep-out-embed-images true?>
    <?xep-pdf-userprivileges print, annotate, copy?>
    <?xep-pdf-ownerpassword secret?>
    <?xep-pdf-DROP_UNUSED_DESTINATIONS false?>
    <fo:root xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format" xmlns:rx="http://www.renderx.com/XSL/Extensions">

    I guess it's worth noting that the xep-out-embed-images PI is still visible in the generated area tree file.


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