[xep-support] XEP class loading

From: Thonger, Ewan (Ewan.Thonger@bskyb.com)
Date: Thu Jun 19 2003 - 08:56:08 PDT

  • Next message: David Tolpin: "Re: [xep-support] XEP class loading"


    We're currently attempting to deploy XEP within a J2EE EAR file, but are
    having problems accessing classes located within the cryptix and xt JAR's
    from within the deployed EJB's. If we deploy cryptix32.jar,
    cryptix32-pgp.jar, xep35_server.jar, and xt.jar into the root of the EAR
    file, and list these in the MANIFEST.MF file of the deployed EJB, we should
    be able to access XEP succesfully from within the EJB. Instead, we get the
    following error:

    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: cryptix/provider/Cryptix
            at com.renderx.xep.lib.Conf.checks(Conf.java:416)
            at com.renderx.xep.lib.Conf.init(Conf.java:162)
            at com.renderx.xep.Driver.init(Driver.java:29)

    However, if we then copy cryptix32.jar, cryptix32-pgp.jar, and xt.jar into
    the Websphere 'lib' folder, effectively adding them to the global classpath,
    the classes are found successfully.

    I realise this question may appear to belong on a Websphere mailing list,
    but I suspect this behaviour may be caused by the ClassLoader XEP uses to
    load the cryptix and xt JAR's. Is there anything peculiar about the way XEP
    accesses classes within the Cryptix and/or xt JAR's? Incidentally, this
    behaviour is not occuring when we test within Websphere Application
    Developer, only when we deploy it to our Websphere installation on Solaris,
    again leading me to believe this a ClassLoader issue.


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