From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Wed Jul 09 2003 - 01:23:57 PDT
Hello Marc,
I'm not sure I have understood you well. What kind of effect are you
trying to achieve? May you provide small XSL FO example that
demonstrates your requirements?
Best regards,
Alexander Peshkov
M> Hello,
M> I try it it's OK, but I have to know the size of the page and the size
M> of the graphic to know if I have the size or the height to indicate in
M> cm.
M> I don't know how to have the size of the graphic!
M> Marc
M> On Wed, 02 Jul 2003 08:26:45 +0200, you wrote:
>>Hello Alexander,
>>Thank for answer, I will try it in few days (I'm unable at this time).
>>With this solution, I will try that all the graphic would be with a
>>width of 20cm!
>>On Mon, 30 Jun 2003 11:26:13 +0400, you wrote:
>>>Hello Marc,
>>>M> Thank for answer,
>>>M> I'll try to be more explicit.
>>>M> I have a graphic who is 30cm width, and my page is only 20cm.
>>>M> But this graphic is an XML file and sometimes it is only 10cm width.
>>>M> When it is 30cm, I want to reduce it to 20cm, but when it is 10cm I
>>>M> don't.
>>>M> In the XML file I don't know the size of the graphic.
>>>M> WHen I read the XSL documentation, I understand that the scale-to-fit
>>>M> is what I want, but ...
>>>Try this code:
>>> <fo:external-graphic content-width="scale-to-fit"
>>> width="20cm"
>>> content-height="100%"
>>> scaling="uniform"
>>> src="url(./Ann7CnvTriP51.gif)"/>
>>>It should scale down everything that is wider than 20cm, but leave all
>>>other images intact.
>>>M> I try this, but it's the same I have an overflow:
>>>M> <fo:external-graphic content-width="scale-to-fit" scaling="uniform"
>>>M> src="url(./Ann7CnvTriP50.gif)"/>
>>>Yes, since you haven't set explicit width as I recommended in my
>>>previous post you still have an overflow.
>>>Best regards,
>>>Alexander Peshkov
>>>M> Marc
>>>M> On Fri, 27 Jun 2003 18:17:22 +0400, you wrote:
>>>>>Hello Marc,
>>>>>What exactly are you trying to achieve? Why to wrap
>>>>>fo:external-graphic in fo:inline's?
>>>>>Note that 'scale-to-fit' property makes sense only when used with
>>>>>explicit 'width' or/and 'height' specified. Those properties define
>>>>>viewport size. In your code both images actually have
>>>>>width="100%" height="100%". As a result you have viewport with the
>>>>>size of parent reference area (whole page in your case, I suppose) and
>>>>>hence there is an overflow.
>>>>>Consider following example:
>>>>> <fo:external-graphic content-width="scale-to-fit"
>>>>> width="25pt"
>>>>> content-height="100%"
>>>>> scaling="uniform"
>>>>> src="url(./Ann7CnvTriP51.gif)"/>
>>>>>This one will scale you image width down to 25pt (height will be
>>>>>scaled proportionally).
>>>>>Best regards,
>>>>>Alexander Peshkov
>>>>>M> Hello,
>>>>>M> I will have a look to the thread, and I try to use the solution, but I
>>>>>M> always have the same error message :
>>>>>M> -- {?no space for an element, trying to recover} ---
>>>>>M> and I don't have the graphic in the pdf file.
>>>>>M> Here is the piece of code I use :
>>>>>M> <fo:block font-family="Times" text-align="justify" font-size="9pt"
>>>>>M> <fo:inline>
>>>>>M> <fo:external-graphic content-width="scale-to-fit"
>>>>>M> content-height="scale-to-fit" scaling="uniform"
>>>>>M> src="url(./Ann7CnvTriP50.gif)"/>
>>>>>M> </fo:inline>
>>>>>M> </fo:block>
>>>>>M> <fo:block font-family="Times" text-align="justify" font-size="9pt"
>>>>>M> <fo:inline>
>>>>>M> <fo:external-graphic content-width="scale-to-fit"
>>>>>M> content-height="100%" width="100%" scaling="uniform"
>>>>>M> src="url(./Ann7CnvTriP51.gif)"/>
>>>>>M> </fo:inline>
>>>>>M> </fo:block>
>>>>>M> Marc
>>>>>M> On Fri, 27 Jun 2003 14:18:46 +0400, you wrote:
>>>>>>>Hello Marc,
>>>>>>>The short answer: you have to use 'scale-to-fit' value of
>>>>>>>content-width/height attributes.
>>>>>>>There was several discussion on the list regarding this topic.
>>>>>>>Take a look at the posting of David Tolpin:
>>>>>>>It contains a code snippet that could be useful for you.
>>>>>>>Best regards,
>>>>>>>Alexander Peshkov
>>>>>>>M> Hello,
>>>>>>>M> I have a problem with graphic resizing.
>>>>>>>M> In the same XML file I have small graphic and grphic too big to be on
>>>>>>>M> the page.
>>>>>>>M> The size can't be given by the author, because he doesn't know the
>>>>>>>M> format of the PDF and the same XML is used for HTML.
>>>>>>>M> I don't know how to automaticly conserve the size of the small graphic
>>>>>>>M> and to force the size of the big graphic to the maximum, if I don't
>>>>>>>M> give with to the 'fo:external-graphic' I have an XEP error as the
>>>>>>>M> object can be in the margins.
>>>>>>>M> I don't find any information about that in the documentation (XEP or
>>>>>>>M> XSL-FO).
>>>>>>>M> Thank for an idea
>>>>>>>M> Marc
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