Re: [xep-support] Image captions

From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Fri Aug 08 2003 - 05:52:58 PDT

  • Next message: Adam Rogoyski: "[xep-support] NoPageMasterException: state: 74"

    Hello Jooyong,

    No, this effect is not achievable with XSL FO. fo:float will
    always stretch to accommodate its content, so floats width will
    be defined by image width. And there is no way to dynamically obtain
    information about image width at runtime.
    Note also that if you want to restrict float width you should place
    inside fo:block-container with explicit width (inline-progression-dimension) specified.
    While 'width' on fo:block mustn't make any effect it erroneously does
    in current XEP version (this behavior is likely to change in future
    XEP version).

    Best regards,
    Alexander Peshkov

    Joeg> Hello,

    Joeg> I think I am doing this wrong but I am trying to find a better way to attach and
    Joeg> align captions to floating images. Is there a better way to do this when only
    Joeg> the height information is available? So in another words, is there a way to
    Joeg> limit the width of the caption to the width of the image even when the images
    Joeg> width is not specified but only the height is?

    Joeg> Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Joeg> -Jooyong Lee

    Joeg> This code is similar to what I have:

    Joeg> <fo:float float="left">
    Joeg> <fo:block>
    Joeg> <fo:external-graphic src="url('c:\somepicture.jpg')"
    Joeg> content-width="3.5in"/>
    Joeg> </fo:block>
    Joeg> <fo:block font="8pt Helvetica" width="3.5in">
    Joeg> Here is the caption for the picture above.
    Joeg> </fo:block>
    Joeg> </fo:float>

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