From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Mon Sep 15 2003 - 01:17:42 PDT
Hello Louis,
Unfortunately, text-decoration="line-through" implementation in XEP is
not quite compliant. In your case, I suggest to use following
instead of
first<fo:leader leader-length="20pt"/>second
first<fo:inline letter-spacing="20pt - 0.3em"> </fo:inline>second
It will give you the desired effect. Note that in XSL FO
letter-spacing is *added* to the width of non-breaking space so if you
want to have exactly a 20pt gap you need to reduce letter-spacing by
the width of one typographic space which is about 0.3em.
We plan to improve XEP support for "line-through" value in the
future, but I can't give you any time line.
Best regards,
Alexander Peshkov
LM> From: Alexander Peshkov <> suggested some time ago :
>> LM> Yes, maybe. I did not try keeps.
>> Actually there is no need for keeps. Just make sure there is no spaces
>> between leader and words.
LM> Okay this works ("1em" as a leader-length seems to generate a very long leader though) but how do I draw a line across this space (to indicate deletion for instance) ?
LM> text-decoration="line-through" seems to have no effect when the leader-pattern is space.
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