Re: [xep-support] minor installation and running issues

From: Oliver Becker (
Date: Thu Oct 16 2003 - 06:47:50 PDT

  • Next message: Rob Stote: "RE: [xep-support] Null Pointer Exception"


    > > 2. The created shell script doesn't have execute permissions.
    > > I have to call "chmod +x" manually before I can use it.
    > > (This is of course Unix specific. I don't know at the moment whether
    > > and how Java allows changing file permissions ...)
    > We are reluctant to manage file permissions from our code: it's too
    > OS-specific. You can always call the script as an argument to sh,

    Yes, but then it's necessary to specify the complete path.
    I can't simply enter "sh", I would have to write
    "sh /this/is/my/complicated/path/to/xep/"

    > so I don't think we should change anything here.

    You can ask for system properties, the value for "os.arch" should give
    you a hint. Or you don't care at all and invoke always

       String[] cmd = {"/bin/chmod", "+x", pathToXEP + "/"};
       try {
          Process p = rt.exec(cmd);
       catch (Exception e) {
          // ignore if this is a Windows system or something else went wrong
    At least you could add a line within the installed readme.txt.
    Something like "If you're on a Unix system then change the file
    permissions of as follows 'chmod +x' ..."
    (well, perhaps all Unix users should know that ...)


    | ob|do Dipl.Inf. Oliver Becker |
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