[xep-support] Orphans and widows

From: Anders Svensson (anders.svensson@animech.com)
Date: Tue Oct 21 2003 - 03:35:52 PDT

  • Next message: Anders Svensson: "[xep-support] collapsing table borders"


    I've tried sending this message before, but it doesn't seem to work so I
    joined the list again... Hopefully it works now...

    I'm having trouble using the orphans and widows features. I'm trying to
    make sure certain elements do not appear as orphans and widows, say with
    only 1 or 2 lines of text. I've tried the following on the "Para"
    element, e.g., which is obviously our element for plain paragraph text.
    I've also tried it on the element which is the parent of this one, and
    which holds a number of different elements such as tables, paragraphs or
    images. But the widows and orphans don't seem to have any effect
    whatsoever. I still get the same single lines of text at the end of the

    What am I doing wrong???

    <xsl:template match="Para">

    <fo:block font-size="11pt" font-family="Times" line-height="14pt"
    orphans="10" widows="10">






    Anders Svensson
    Animech AB
    www.animech.com <http://www.animech.com/>
    Ekeby Bruk A10
    752 75 UPPSALA, Sweden
    Mobil: 070-607 43 33
    E-post: anders.svensson@animech.com


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