From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Mon Nov 10 2003 - 01:20:49 PST
Hello Ben,
I can see a number of reasons for this problem:
1. Code cited below has an excessive space character before logo.jpg
2. Relative URL may not be working because of the following: your
application inside Cocoon most probably receive data as a SAX
events stream. In this case XEP ROOT directory used to resolve all
relative URLs. Thus if your base directory is different, you should
explicitly set it either using com.renderx.xep.BASE environment
variable or xml:base inside your XSL FO code.
3. You have set 'width' property of the image, but you have not
specified it's content-width. If your image is big enough you can
get an overflow and thus an image would not appear in the resulting
Please consider these remarks and write back if you still can't solve
the problem.
Best regards,
Alexander Peshkov
BC> Is there any reason why this should not work with XEP:
BC> <fo:static-content flow-name="xsl-region-before">
BC> <fo:block text-align="right" space-before="54pt">
BC> <fo:external-graphic width="1.75in"
BC> src="url(http://localhost/ssp/user/images/ logo.jpg)"/>
BC> </fo:block>
BC> </fo:static-content>
BC> We also tried a relative url '(images/logo.jpg)'
BC> We are working in Windows 2000, on Tomcat 4.1.27, with Xerces 2.5.0 and
BC> Xalan 2.5.1 installed in common/endorsed and in our Web app, also Cocoon
BC> 2.1.2, which is talking to XEP 3.6.3 just fine. When you go to that URL
BC> in a browser, the image is there. Are we just calling the 'src'
BC> attribute incorrectly?
BC> Benjamin Clark | VP, Architect, Technology | D I G I T A S
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BC> Office: 617 867 1259 | Fax: 617 867 1111 |
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