From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Wed Nov 26 2003 - 08:50:27 PST
Hello James,
JM> Simple question (probably demanding of a fiendishly clever answer...):
I can't say that I understand your problem well...
JM> Background - I'm outputting a catalogue. Said catalogue inevitably has
JM> large blank spaces at the end of some sections as each section starts on
JM> a new page.
If you want to start every section on a new page you better define
separate page-sequence for every section or use an explicit
"break-before" property on the first block of the section.
JM> Question - is it possible to define a block (or even better, blocks
JM> plural) that are only output if there is room for them on the "current"
JM> page?
If you want to prevent some blocks from splitting between the pages
you have to set keep-together.within-column="always" on those blocks.
JM> I can sort of see how it might be possible, but I can't pressure
JM> of work prevents wandering off to explore the complexities without at
JM> least some indication that I'm going to looking for something that can
JM> actually be found!
More details about your goal would be helpful.
JM> TIA, Murph
Best regards,
Alexander Peshkov
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