Re: [xep-support] define writing-mode in page-sequence

From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Mon Dec 15 2003 - 01:58:44 PST

  • Next message: Werner Donné: "[xep-support] Error in table header repetition"

    Hello Lars,

    LW> Hello,

    LW> I want to create a document with tables mirrored horizontally on even
    LW> pages.
    LW> Defining the writing-mode directly in the page-sequence-tag works (for
    LW> all pages unfortunately).
    LW> When I tried to set the writing-mode in the region-body-tag in the
    LW> layout-master-set it does not work.

    XSL FO specifications states that when writing-mode set on
    fo:region-* it defines the column-progression within each region. This
    property would not be inherited by the content of the flow.

    LW> Is it possible to define the writing-mode for a page-sequence and the
    LW> content in the layout-master-set?

    No, it's not. Setting "writing-mode" on the simple-page-master defines
    only the placement of the five regions on the master.

    LW> Many thanks in advance,

    LW> Lars Weinrich

    Best regards,
    Alexander Peshkov

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