From: Fusti, Steve (
Date: Thu Jan 08 2004 - 11:48:57 PST
In XEP 3.6.x, whenever the text of a footnote body was too long to fit on a
single page, it was continued to the following page in a footnote on that
page, and subsequent pages until the entire text of the footnote was
successfully rendered. However, in XEP 3.7, the first part of the footnote
text is rendered on the first page, and the rest of the footnote text is not
rendered. A warning/error is thrown saying:
[warning] no space for an element, trying to recover
[warning] no place for a footnote, some data will be lost
Is this a bug that can be corrected? Thanks!
Steve Fusti
Web Developer
343 Congress Street, Suite 5100
Boston, MA 02210
ph: 617.603.7747
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