From: Alex Peshkov (
Date: Fri Jan 09 2004 - 13:42:03 PST
Hello, Bob.
You can use technic demonstrated here:
With nested tables and XEP 3.7 it is easy to achieve desired effect. I
have tweaked stylesheet mentioned above to demonstrate my point,
please find it and sample source XML attached together with resulting
FO and PDF. For the sake of completes I have also attached generic.xsl
used by our FO usecases (source stylesheet depends on it and I was too
lazy to rewrite the whole stuff :-)
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Alexander Peshkov
BS> I have a requirement for a back-of-the-book index
BS> with two-column layout in which the top of a
BS> column should indicate if an index entry is
BS> continued from the previous column. This needs
BS> to work for primary and secondary entries.
BS> The worst case is like this:
BS> hard drive [bottom of one column]
BS> formatting
BS> access to utilities
BS> caching drive info
BS> [column break]
BS> hard drive (continued) [top of next column]
BS> formatting (continued)
BS> fast format
BS> slow format
BS> Is this possible to do with XSL-FO? I know about markers
BS> in the static content for region-before for page headers.
BS> Can this be done using that mechanism? If not, any ideas
BS> on how to implement this?
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