From: Sebastian Fey (
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 05:01:32 PST
>>eg we use keep-together-within.line with literals. sometimes, especially
>>in tables, there isnt enough space, so XEP forces the characters to overlap.
>>sure, the error is in the XML, but its hard to find these errors ...
>>any pointers?
>Could you systematically add zero-width spaces to your text? These would
>not appear if there was enough room for the text, but would break your text
>at your specified points if there was not enough room for the text.
thx Ken, nice workaround, this will solve a part of my problems.
but it wont work with the literals, cause they _must_ be kept within line.
so the only way is to get a warning, so that the authors can modify the docbook-document.
this problem almost always appears with tables, so auto-column-width would also fix it, but this is, afaik, not implemented in
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