From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Tue Jan 20 2004 - 03:24:01 PST
Hello Oliver,
OB> Hello,
OB> I'm using <fo:inline text-decoration="line-through"> ... </fo:inline>
OB> to create text that is marked as cancelled.
OB> Unfortunately if the contents uses different fonts (Courier, Helvetica
OB> and Times), the result is not a straight line but rather a line that
OB> has breaks (the parts appear in slightly different vertical positions).
OB> I suspect this is because each font has its own metric (though the
OB> font-size is the same).
Yes, you are right. Line-through cross glyphs at the half X-height.
OB> Is there anything I can do to produce a straight line?
Not in this version of XEP.
OB> (Extended task: the fo:inline above is part of a table cell. Can I strike
OB> out a whole table row?)
I don't think it is possible.
OB> Thanks a lot,
OB> Oliver
Best regards,
Alexander Peshkov
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