From: Jim Quest (
Date: Mon Apr 05 2004 - 00:20:36 PDT
Dear Alexander,
I need then to add the soft-hyphens within the FO file? Is there any way
to add this rule in the hyphenation dictionary? I have tried
But this did not seem to take any effect.
About text-squeezing: I do have hyphenation turned on.
The situation is as follows: I have a table-cell with an alphanumeric
text (sometimes long) like "RT54XIOP", but the table-cell could be just
3 characters wide. So the long alphanumeric is squeezed and unreadable.
Is that a way to let it break randomly instead of being squeezed?
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Alexander Peshkov
Sent: 02 April 2004 10:55
To: Jim Quest
Subject: Re: [xep-support] Hyphenation at /
Hello Jim,
JQ> Dear All,
JQ> Is there also a way to tell XEP to allow hyphenation after the
JQ> "/"?
You can insert Unicode soft hyphen ­ before/after the slash in
order to make XEP break the word at this positions then hyphenation is
turned on.
JQ> Also when there is no hyphenation happening to a long word within a
JQ> table cell, all the letters are crunched up making it impossible to
JQ> the text at all. Is there an option to make the words break randomly
JQ> that at least readable?
Are you sure that you have turned hyphenation on? It is off by
default. With hyphenation turned on XEP will try to break long words
if possible, it uses "text squeezing" technic as a fallback if there
was no appropriate hyphenation rule found or if the word just slightly
longer then available space.
JQ> Thanks so much
Best regards,
Alexander Peshkov
JQ> -----Original Message-----
JQ> From:
JQ> [] On Behalf Of Jirka Kosek
JQ> Sent: 31 March 2004 14:28
JQ> To:
JQ> Subject: Re: [xep-support] Hyphenation exception list
JQ> Geyrecker Andreas wrote:
>> is there a possibility in XEP to implement a list of words which
JQ> should not
>> be hyphenated or indicate where hyphenation may occur?
JQ> You can put exceptions at the end of hyphen/{lang}.tex file inside
JQ> \hyphenation primitive. E.g.:
JQ> \hyphenation {
JQ> NeverBreak
JQ> Bre-ak-As-Su-gge-sted
JQ> }
JQ> But I will also welcome some XEP extension facility which will allow
JQ> adding new \hyphenation entries into FO instance. There are
JQ> where you can not alter global hyphenation files or you want
JQ> rules in differents documents.
JQ> Jirka
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