[xep-support] Differences in transformation to postscript and PDF

From: Egbert.Kluft@winterthur.nl
Date: Mon Apr 05 2004 - 05:08:12 PDT

  • Next message: Alexander Peshkov: "Re: [xep-support] Differences in transformation to postscript and PDF"


    I use XEP with VB6 to transform XMLFO to PDF and PostScript. I use the following code:

    Public Function Transform2PS(ByVal pstrXMLFO As String) As Byte()
    '##BD This function takes an XML FO document as input and transforms this to a stream in ps format.
    '##PD pstrXMLFO Valid XML FO Document to be transformed.
    '##RD Returns binary data containing PostScript document

        Dim oXepTransformer As XEPLib.IXEPFormatter
        Dim strDiag As String
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
        'Create Object
        Set oXepTransformer = CreateObject("XEP.XEPFormatter")
        'Set output type
         oXepTransformer.setOutputFormat "PostScript"
        'Transform the XML-FO
        Transform2PS = oXepTransformer.render(pstrXMLFO)
        'Log diagnostic
        strDiag = oXepTransformer.getDiagnostic
        If (strDiag <> "") And mblnTracing Then
            'Log the event to the event log
            Call App.LogEvent(TypeName(Me) & ", Logging Diagnostics: " & strDiag, vbLogEventTypeInformation)
        End If

        Set oXepTransformer = Nothing
        Exit Function
        Set oXepTransformer = Nothing
        Err.Raise Err.Number, "Transform2PS Function", _
            Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
    End Function

    Public Function Transform2PDF(ByVal pstrXMLFO As String) As Byte()
    '##BD This function takes an XML FO document as input and transforms this to a stream in pdf format.
    '##PD pstrXMLFO Valid XML FO Document to be transformed.
    '##RD Returns binary data containing pdf document
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
        Dim strDiag As String
        Dim oXepTransformer As XEPLib.IXEPFormatter
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
        'Create the object
        Set oXepTransformer = CreateObject("XEP.XEPFormatter")
        'Set the output type
        oXepTransformer.setOutputFormat "PDF"
        Transform2PDF = oXepTransformer.render(pstrXMLFO)
        'Log diagnostic
        strDiag = oXepTransformer.getDiagnostic
        If (strDiag <> "") And mblnTracing Then
            'Log to the event log
            Call App.LogEvent(TypeName(Me) & ", Logging Diagnostics: " & strDiag, vbLogEventTypeInformation)
        End If
        Set oXepTransformer = Nothing
        Exit Function
        Set oXepTransformer = Nothing
        Err.Raise Err.Number, "Transform2PDF Function", _
            Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
    End Function

    I need to print text under a logo of my company. The text is outlined in the region-before section with a table (we use cm for spacing). If I transform the XMLFO to PDF then the text is outlined as I wanted. If the transformation is done to Postscript then the text is shift upward (5mm) en more to the left (2mm).

    We use Postscript to print directly from server to the printer and PDF to show the letter to the user. The user can decide to print of not.

    We have installed XEP 3.7.3.
    How can we solve this problem?

    Use different XSL-FO's is no option.

    Met vriendelijke groet,

                           Egbert Kluft

    Winterthur Verzekeringen
    Egbert Kluft, Teamleider Systeem Ontwikkeling Leven
    Prinses Irenestraat 33, P.O. Box 83000
    1080 AA Amsterdam
    Phone +31 (0)20 5 411 785
    Fax +31 (0)20 6 428 428

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