Re: [xep-support] XEP 3.7.7: Treatment of width="100%"

From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Wed May 05 2004 - 03:36:57 PDT

  • Next message: Paul A. Hoadley: "Re: [xep-support] Marginalia as a DocBook customisation"

    Hello Werner,

    Table width="100%" means that content-rectangle of the table will be
    as wide as content-rectangle of the parent reference-area. Borders are
    drawn outside of the content rectangle and thus total width of the
    table with borders became larger then available space. That is that
    you have for the nested tables - their layout is over-constrained and
    they get clipped on the right. If you remove width specification from
    the tables you will achieve desired behavior.

    Best regards,
    Alexander Peshkov

    WD> Dear,

    WD> The attached small example consists of three nested tables with borders
    WD> and margins. The width of the table elements is set to "100%". Because
    WD> everything is specified in the same way onf the left and right side I
    WD> would expect the same visual effect on both sides. On the right side,
    WD> however, the borders are all on top of each other. When I remove the
    WD> width properties the result is as expected.

    WD> I don't see why there is a difference. The width properties map to
    WD> inline-progression-dimension in this case and because the containing
    WD> block hasn't specified the width property, the percentage value should
    WD> be treated as "auto".

    WD> Regards,

    WD> Werner.

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