From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Mon May 17 2004 - 08:23:43 PDT
Hello Bob,
In general you can use property functions in an expression for
another property, however in this particular case you hit a limitation
of XEP: you cannot safely do arithmetics with indents and margins.
I'll reiterate recent Nikolay's comment on this subject:
Technically, it happens because the default 'start-indent' is treated
not as '0pt' but as a special value, to account for start-indent
redefinition due to margins.). To make additive expressions work, you
can add an explicit start-indent="0" specifier somewhere at the top:
it will populate all descendant nodes with the inherited value.
Note that any appearance of margin will reset start-indent value.
Best regards,
Alexander Peshkov
BS> I thought one could use property functions in an expression for another
BS> property. For example, in computing a content-width on a graphic so that it
BS> responds to the current start-indent, I tried:
BS> content-width="4in - inherited-property-value(start-indent)"
BS> But XEP 3.7.8 complains with:
BS> [warning] Bad attribute content-width: Cannot subtract type Word from type
BS> Length
BS> Shouldn't that work?
BS> Bob Stayton
BS> Sagehill Enterprises
BS> DocBook Consulting
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