From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Wed Jun 02 2004 - 08:17:33 PDT
Hello Chris,
The common way to achieve <pre>-like effect is:
<fo:block white-space="pre">
This text will be formatted as it is,
with all line-breaks and white spaces.
Here 'white-space' is a shorthand property. Its value 'pre'
corresponds to:
If you need finer control over your preformatted text (e.g. you want
lines to be wrapped) you may want to set those properties
Best regards,
Alexander Peshkov
CC> Is there an easy (relatively) way to use XEP to create <PRE>-like
CC> formatted text?
CC> We currently have an inline element called <examplecode>. When
CC> rendered through XEP the data is output in monospace bold font.
CC> If line breaks were required, we would wrap it in para tags.
CC> The problem we have is that we want to render example code with proper
CC> indentation. The simple solution (although time consuming for the
CC> writer), is to create some kind of "tab" formatting tag, and have the
CC> writer insert the proper number of tabs for indentation. During render
CC> the tab tag would be rendered into X amount of space per tab.
CC> Is there an easier way?
CC> Thanks,
CC> Chris
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