Re: [xep-support] Newspaper Layout Column Separator

From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Mon Jun 21 2004 - 05:07:52 PDT

  • Next message: Grimley Michael J NPRI: "RE: [xep-support] Adobe SVG"

    Hello Jez,

    There was a similar question a while ago on the XSL FO list at
    There was a more complicated requirement: to draw a bar only till the
    end of the actual column content. Let me recite my answer:

    You can draw a rule in SVG and place it into the background of the
    body-region (block with span="all" in this case should have
    background-color="white"). The only shortcoming of this approach is
    that this rule will be drawn through all the page even if columns are
    There is another solution which gives you desired result although it's
    a kind of hack:
     - wrap whole text in a fo:block with left/right borders as thick as
       required rule and left/right padding with the size equal to
       (column-gap width minus rule width) divided by two.
       This way you have desired rule between columns and undesired
       border on either sides.
     - add symmetrical region-start/region-end which have extents as
       wide as region-body margin minus padding of fo:block (calculated
       above). Place in appropriate static contents fo:block-container
       with height="100%" and background-color="white" (it should have
       some non-empty content, i.e. block with empty leader inside).
       These containers will be drawn atop of the side borders and will
       hide them.

    Best regards,
    Alexander Peshkov

    JB> I've created a PDF that uses newspaper layout (column-count = 2) for certain pages by using the "column-count" and "column-gap" attributes in the appropriate page-master.
    JB> Ideally, I'd like to display a vertical line in the column gap section of the newspaper layout pages.
    JB> I'd be grateful for any advice on the best way to achieve this.
    JB> Thanks
    JB> Jez Brewster

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