[xep-support] How do set a block based upon the current indent plus something?

From: Dan Vint (dvint@dvint.com)
Date: Fri Jul 16 2004 - 08:28:27 PDT

  • Next message: Dan Vint: "[xep-support] table formatting"

    How do set a block based upon the current indent plus something? I have a
    block of code that I want to set in .3in from the current block of text. I
    know I can do a start-indent='.3in' but that stays relative to the page,
    not the block I'm in. I can use start-indent='start-body()' to get the
    current indent level. When I try start-indent='body-start() + .3in' I get
    an error about trying to add a length to a width - not sure the exact
    wording, but it was something like this. Seems like I need a cast()
    statement, but I can't find it.

    Danny Vint


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