Re: [xep-support] Table causing an out of memory exception.

From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Mon Aug 02 2004 - 02:34:25 PDT

  • Next message: Alexander Peshkov: "Re: [xep-support] Calculating left-indent"

    Hello Christopher,

    Could you please send us problematic file off-list (at
    Please keep sample as short as possible. Which version of XEP are you using?

    Best regards,
    Alexander Peshkov

    PC> Hi All,

    PC> I'm under pressure to get a job finished for a project and I've hit a
    PC> problem. It doesn't help that I'm brand new to XEP.

    PC> As part of the process I am converting roughly 83,000 xml documents to PDF.
    PC> Tables are giving me a problem. For the occasional document I come across a
    PC> problem where XEP seems to get stuck creating page after page until my java
    PC> process runs out of memory (this isn't a memory problem as I have assigned
    PC> up to a gig of memory).

    PC> I've narrowed the issue down to the following problem:

    PC> I have a table and I am inserting text into a column. Occasionally when the
    PC> text in the table column runs off the bottom of the page, rather than
    PC> starting a new page and carrying on the problem I stated above happens. I
    PC> have tried keep-with-next and previous to force the whole block onto the
    PC> next page as opposed to it running over but to no avail.

    PC> Does this problem ring any bells with anyone???

    PC> If this is caused by a newbie mistake then I apologise, but I can't for the
    PC> life of me figure it out.

    PC> Help.

    PC> Thanks in advance

    PC> Chris Parr

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