From: Alexander Peshkov (
Date: Tue Aug 03 2004 - 04:39:33 PDT
Hello Sebastian,
This is expected since rotated block-containers must have explicitly
specified dimensions according to XSL-FO specification. If there is no
dimensions specified formatter assumes as a fallback that
fo:block-container occupies all available space till the end of the
page and then tries to place actual container content (that's why it
appears "squeezed"). In your case fo:block-container dimensions
should be set to the same values as nested table dimensions.
Best regards,
Alexander Peshkov
SF> hi,
SF> it seems like XEP doesnt break the page before any block that is rotated like this:
SF> <fo:block-container reference-orientation="90">
SF> (...TABLE...)
SF> </fo:block>
SF> if there is enough space left on the page the table is rendered fine.
SF> but if the table starts at the end of a page, there is no page-break forced, but the table is crushed and all letters are rendered on each other.
SF> any pointers?
SF> greetings,
SF> Sebatian Fey
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