[xep-support] Mixing Chinese and English fonts

From: Bob Stayton (bobs@sagehill.net)
Date: Fri Aug 06 2004 - 14:19:51 PDT

  • Next message: Tim Dean: "[xep-support] Support for SVG patterns?"

    I have XML documents that are primarily Chinese but with occasional English
    words or phrases. The current font we use to render these documents contains
    both Chinese and Latin letters, but the Latin letters are of poor quality.
    We would like to substitute a better font for the English characters.

    I understand that with XSL-FO 1.0 you can provide a comma-separated list of
    font names in the font-family property. However, one cannot designate
    specific characters or ranges to be rendered in the secondary fonts. In
    other words, if a character is found in the primary font, that font will be

    I would like to avoid having to put all the English words within fo:inlines
    to switch fonts. So we are considering using something like Fontographer to
    edit the (open source) Chinese font to remove the Latin characters. I
    believe this will then force XEP to switch to the secondary font-family when
    a Latin character is encountered in the input. Is this a sound strategy?
    Has anyone attempted this?

    Bob Stayton
    Sagehill Enterprises
    DocBook Consulting

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