From: David Tolpin (
Date: Fri Oct 08 2004 - 04:43:03 PDT
XEP is correct, and it does it's job right, but I want to explain
you what's happening.
According to the XSL FO specification, and in agreement with the
common sense, a footnote's anchor should reside on the same page
as the footnote's body. The anchor is an invisible area just before
the footnote's point in the flow.
I have replaced dots with exclamation signs in your sample, and
you can see that the page break before the whole occurs just before
the second footnote. The formatter formats the first footnote and
continues to process the flow; when it encounters the second footnote,
it finds out that the two footnotes cannot fit the page with their
anchors, and breaks the flow before it.
Footnotes are not after-floats; in general, both would have to have
keep-with-anchor attribute, but none does. The difference is before-float
can go to a subsequent page well after its anchor, while a footnote
David Tolpin
I am sending this to the public list since I believe it is of general
interest and since you initially asked there (so I don't break the
privacy). Thank you for submitting an excellent and non-trivial use
> As you can see the first footnote has a considerable area of whitespace
> above it. The second footnote, which is rendered on the following page as
> there is no room for it on the first, has no unwarranted whitespace above
> it.
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