[xep-support] fo:external-graphic

From: Fritsch, Michael <michael.fritsch@coremedia.com>
Date: Wed Nov 03 2004 - 04:20:16 PST

I evaluate XEP 4.0 and try to add graphics to my pdf using
I want to use a relativ uri e.g.
<fo:external-graphic src="/temp/graphic/demo.gif"/>
Which should point to http://host:2000/generator/temp/graphic/demo.gif"
Is it possible to define this prefix via a parameter???
Best regards,
Michael Fritsch

Dr. Michael Fritsch
Technical Editor
tel +49.40.325587.214
fax +49.40.325587.999
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20459 Hamburg, Germany
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Received on Wed Nov 3 05:07:27 2004

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