[xep-support] Hyphenation confused by uppercase inside words?

From: Lars Jørgen Tvedt <l.j.tvedt@edd.uio.no>
Date: Mon Dec 06 2004 - 07:17:55 PST


I a dictionary I am trying to render (using XEP 4.0), there is a lot of
abbreviations like "NoAllk". To hyphenate these abbreviations correctly, I
have tried to put a soft-break in the correct position: "No&#x00AD;Allk",
but XEP hyphenate it like "NoAl-lk". Is it the uppercase A inside the text
that confuses XEP? Is there a way to tell XEP that the string should be
treated as one word?

Lars Jørgen Tvedt

Lars Jørgen Tvedt
Eining for digital dokumentasjon (EDD), Universitetet i Oslo
Postboks 1123 Blindern, N-0317 OSLO, Norway
Telefon (+47) 22 85 49 84, Fax (+47) 22 85 49 83

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