[xep-support] General XEP performance questions

From: Jan Christe <jt3x@yeebase.com>
Date: Sun Apr 17 2005 - 07:41:18 PDT


i would like to know , how the coherences between input file-size size, number and size of images, the number of output pages, installed memory and processor are when using XEP.

To become concrete: I am thinking about genrating a high-quality, printable PDF document on a debian webserver.

- the input XML file has a size less than 1MB. - the output file will have about 50 or 60, maximum 100 pages.
- the images (29,7mm x 21mm) can be large, between 2 and 10 MB each, probably tif or jpg, perhaps 25 of them.

My questions:
- How does the size of the images influence the memory and the processor?
- Are the images loaded into the ram?
- What about the java heap memory (Xmx, Xms)? What is the "best" setting? I read something about Xmx=<N - 64> and Xms=<N/2> where N is the amount of memory installed. Does a high memory setting influence the performance of the webserver a lot?
- What about the processor? How much mhz does it need?
I know that my questions can't be answerde exactly. But I woult be very thankfull if you could tell me something about your experiences with XEP and the hardware requierements.

Best regards,
Jan Christe

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Received on Sun Apr 17 08:28:03 2005

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