Hello, Chris.
This seems to be a simple FO issue with indents,
however I need your source xml and both xsl files to further
investigate it.
Could you send the files zipped to support@renderx.com ?
-- Best regards, Michael Sulyaev mailto:msulyaev@renderx.com RenderX Friday, April 29, 2005 at 6:38:55 PM you wrote: CC> Hi Folks, CC> Been banging my head off the wall for a while with this one... CC> The following works as it should: CC> <xsl:template match="substep"> CC> <fo:list-item> CC> <fo:list-item-label CC> provisional-distance-between-starts=".43in" CC> provisional-label-separation=".1in" end-indent="label-end()"> CC> <fo:block CC> xsl:use-attribute-sets="helvetica10ptSpaced"> CC> <xsl:number level="any" count="substep" from="substeps" format="a. "/> CC> </fo:block> CC> </fo:list-item-label> CC> <fo:list-item-body start-indent="body-start()"> CC> <fo:block> CC> <xsl:apply-templates/> CC> </fo:block> CC> </fo:list-item-body> CC> </fo:list-item> CC> </xsl:template> CC> However, almost the almost identical code below causes my sublists to CC> be rendered as: CC> .a CC> .b CC> .c CC> instead of CC> a. CC> b. CC> c. CC> Here's the code: CC> <xsl:template match="sublistli"> CC> <fo:list-item> CC> <fo:list-item-label CC> provisional-distance-between-starts=".43in" CC> provisional-label-separation=".1in" end-indent="label-end()"> CC> <!-- start-indent="2.0in" end-indent="2.15in" --> CC> <xsl:choose> CC> <xsl:when test="../@sublisttype='ordered'"> CC> <fo:block CC> xsl:use-attribute-sets="helvetica10ptSpaced"> CC> <xsl:number level="any" CC> count="sublistli" from="sublist" format="a. "/> CC> </fo:block> CC> </xsl:when> CC> <xsl:otherwise> CC> <fo:block CC> font-size="11pt">–  </fo:block> CC> </xsl:otherwise> CC> </xsl:choose> CC> </fo:list-item-label> CC> <fo:list-item-body start-indent="body-start()"> CC> <fo:block> CC> <xsl:apply-templates/> CC> </fo:block> CC> </fo:list-item-body> CC> </fo:list-item> CC> </xsl:template> CC> I'm not sure where to tweak thinks so the periods appear on the right CC> side of the letter (i.e. "a." instead of ".a"). Something is squishing CC> it so it wraps backwards. CC> Any ideas? CC> Thanks, CC> Chris Cosentino CC> Cisco Systems Inc. CC> ------------------- CC> (*) To unsubscribe, send a message with words 'unsubscribe xep-support' CC> in the body of the message to majordomo@renderx.com from the address CC> you are subscribed from. CC> (*) By using the Service, you expressly agree to these Terms CC> of Service http://www.renderx.com/tos.html ------------------- (*) To unsubscribe, send a message with words 'unsubscribe xep-support' in the body of the message to majordomo@renderx.com from the address you are subscribed from. (*) By using the Service, you expressly agree to these Terms of Service http://www.renderx.com/tos.htmlReceived on Wed May 4 07:25:20 2005
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