I'm using XEP v4.4 (Java) from the command line on Mac OS X, and have
noticed that XEP refuses to format if the path to the FO file contains
either the '%' or '#' characters. Below is some sample output:
$ java com.renderx.xep.XSLDriver -fo /Test#2/Test.fo
(document [system-id file:/Test#2/Test.fo]
(compile )
(format )
(generate [output-format pdf]))
I/O error: java.io.EOFException: no more input
$ java com.renderx.xep.XSLDriver -fo /Test%2/Test.fo
(document [system-id file:/Test%2/Test.fo]
(compile )
(format )
(generate [output-format pdf]))
error: formatting failed: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
I'm currently working around this problem by altering the names of the
paths to the FO files to process, but was wondering if there was a
simple solution or a list of other characters to avoid in a path.
Every other character I've tried using in a path (@,$,&,*, etc.) works
just fine.
Brett Karopczyc
Bristol Capital, Inc.
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