It's a cross-post of my answer from dockbook-apps mailing list.
Hello Jacques,
From XSL-FO point of view what you need is keep-with-next.within-page="always"
property specified on the paragraph (fo:block) that holds "next
picture" description - this will glue the paragraphs' tail to the
picture, though the paragraph will remain breakable and could be
divided by a page break with respect to orphans/widows properties. If
you want such paragraph to became unbreakable you should add another
keep property to this paragraph: keep-together.within-page="always" -
being specified together these 'keep' properties will attach picture
description text to the respective picture and make sure that it will
be transferred to the next page as a whole.
I hope that someone on this list who is more of a Docbook expert will
suggest you the best way to make appropriate customizations in the
Best regards,
Alexander Peshkov
JF> Hello.
JF> In my document, I have a lot of screenshot pictures (It's a manual).
JF> Sometime (really often in fact) I have as PDF result something like
JF> that :
JF> --------------------------------------------
JF> some interesting text...
JF> Picture
JF> Some other test which explain the next picture
JF> <big space but to small to put the next picture>
JF> <generated page break>
JF> Picture
JF> other text
JF> -----------------------------------------
JF> And I would like to have
JF> --------------------------------------------
JF> some interesting text...
JF> Picture
JF> <big space>
JF> <generated page break>
JF> Some other test which explain the next picture
JF> Picture
JF> other text
JF> -----------------------------------------
JF> I've put in my custom stylesheet an orphan and widows attribute-set :
JF> <xsl:attribute-set name="">
JF> <xsl:attribute name="widows">4</xsl:attribute>
JF> <xsl:attribute name="orphans">4</xsl:attribute>
JF> </xsl:attribute-set>
JF> But with no result. I kown that FOP doesn't implement this feature,
JF> but I use XEP (who does).
JF> So the question is : how can I have the good result ?
JF> Thanks in advance.
JF> Jacques
JF> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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