RE: [xep-support] possible to create a table title that has "continued" at the end after a page/column wrap?

From: David Pirkle <>
Date: Fri Nov 04 2005 - 13:19:32 PST

I think you can use a table-footer section to put a "continued" at the
bottom of the page. Not exactly what you're asking for but maybe that
would do.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Dan Ochs
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 12:12 PM
Subject: [xep-support] possible to create a table title that has
"continued" at the end after a page/column wrap?

I'm not sure if this is possible to do with the FO spec, but I have
some table titles that I need to put the word "continued" after when
the table wraps to the next page/column. I currently have the table
title showing up on the next column/page by putting the title in the
header of a wrapper table. Is there a way to add the text "continued"
to the end of the title when it is wrapped? (from what I've read,
there is no way to show table-caption again on the next page/column,
which is why I wrapped my table with the caption in the header of the
wrappin gtable.)

any help is appreciated
thanks, dan

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