>> Because table markers change the size of the table's header after
>> the header is measured. And after the header is modified, the
>> marker's anchor may have to go to the next page; this is similar
>> to, but more complex than, footnotes due to interaction with floats.
> Well, can't you measure the header after the marker content is
> retrieved?
One who will implement it, will have to; and then reformat the
table's content to find out whether the anchor still fits -- for
every anchor; or impose restrictions on floats' interaction tables.
> No, but I would like to generate a statement with sub totals
> carried across pages. I'm sure there is a solution to this problem.
> Perhaps it doesn't fit well into traditional layout algorithms, so
> it is a opportunity to develop a new one ;)
XEP does not have a single traditional layout algorithm simply
because I knew very little about them when I started. The problem is
not whether it is possible to provide a markup convenient for
rendering table subtotals; the problem is that the way it is
specified in XSL 1.1 is a disaster. A disaster that imposes a very
limited choice on the implementer:
- introduce restrictions and deviation from the specification
into the implementation to provide the feature and still keep the
software reliable
- adhere to the recommendation and trap the user in border cases.
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