[xep-support] Spacing out graphics inside a block

From: Mark Cilia Vincenti <mark@gfi.com>
Date: Tue Dec 20 2005 - 06:48:18 PST


I have to display some graphics in a block and I want them to wrap. The
graphics are different sizes but I've handled that by applying a
content-height and a scaling="uniform". However I can't seem to be able
to get them to look as ideally spaced out as possible. I want to fit as
many as can possibly fit on one line, and then justify them.

The problem is that XEP does not wrap around external-graphic tags, and
you need to insert white-space (&#160;) for it to wrap. I'm not sure if
it's that white-space which is messing up but I'm not getting perfect

I have this code:

<xsl:template match="test:awards">
        <fo:block line-height="6mm" wrap-option="wrap"
text-align="justify" text-align-last="justify"
white-space-collapse="true" white-space-treatment="ignore">
                <xsl:for-each select="test:award">
                        <xsl:if test="@highres_src">
content-height="15mm" scaling="uniform">
name="src">url('<xsl:value-of select="@highres_src" />')</xsl:attribute>

From my results and I have 3 images on one line and 3 others on the line
below it. But the rightmost one of the top line goes a bit further out
than the one in the line below it. It's a very tiny discrepancy but I'm
trying to get it as perfect as possible.

Also, can maybe anyone think of another way I can solve this problem?

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