[xep-support] XEP Assistant and DTD Path problem

From: Patrick Goetz <pgoetz@internetbs.com>
Date: Mon Feb 06 2006 - 02:33:42 PST

XEP Assistant in XEP4Win seems to get confused if the DTD path isn't
relative to the stylesheet file. For example, if the xml file is in the
X directory, which has sub-folder DTD, and the xml file has DOCTYPE

   <!DOCTYPE executive_council SYSTEM "DTD/executive_council.dtd">

then the xsl stylesheet MUST be in the X directory (or must be in a
directory which has sub-folder DTD). If it's not, it fails with an
error message like this:

Formatting failed! Could not find a part of the path "D:\xml\Executive

(This example is with the xsl stylesheet in the DTD directory, hence
looking for a DTD subdirectory.)

This must be a bug, as it works perfectly as long as I have the xml file
and the stylesheet in the same directory, or as long as I have a dtd
file which is in the same relative position to the stylesheet as the xml
file is to its dtd file.

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Received on Mon Feb 6 03:15:01 2006

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