On the DocBook Apps list, I asked a question about including text
files from a Windows machine. These files have a carriage return and a
line feed as their EOL markers. Bob Stayton said that the XSL-FO spec
allows for including these text files without generating double line
spacing by using the white-space-treatment="ignore-if-before-linefeed"
property. However, this technique does not appear to work in XEP, as
quoted below (and it will be available shortly in the docbook-apps
>But the authors of XSL-FO actually considered this, and provided (in
section 7.15.8) for white-space-treatment="ignore-if-before-linefeed". When
that property is set, then any whitespace characters preceding a 

character should be ignore, which should solve that problem.. However,
when I set this and process with XEP, it doesn't help. I would have
thought if that value were supported that you would get single line breaks.
--Bob Stayton
Anyway, I thought you should know, since it means I will need to
include a conversion step in my makefile (and possibly change my XML
sources as well).
-- http://chris.chiasson.name/ ------------------- (*) To unsubscribe, send a message with words 'unsubscribe xep-support' in the body of the message to majordomo@renderx.com from the address you are subscribed from. (*) By using the Service, you expressly agree to these Terms of Service http://www.renderx.com/terms-of-service.htmlReceived on Sat Sep 2 09:29:29 2006
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